Sunday, January 3, 2010

welcome 2010

Doesn't 2010 feel good?!?!?! I am sooo ready for a fresh start, new opportunities, and new achievements both persnally and professionally.

I decided to start my year off by putting my goals in writing on New Year's Eve.

Then yesterday I checked out Heidi's blog and found her idea for a "simply amazing" year. I can't looks too "amazing" to pass up! So I am going to print up my sheets for it today and get started. I'm so excited for this journey in 2010!

Also, if you have never checked out House of 3 and you are a digital scrapbooker be sure and check it out while you are printing off your sheets for your "simply amazing" year! I get a lot of my digital stuff there. They have great items and lots of fun ideas!

Meanwhile, at my house....we are kid free! My parents took Khloe last night for a sleepover and she is spending most of the day there today. Which means.....lots of scrapbooking time for me. I can't wait to get the creative juices flowing! I also have a lot in store for my blog this year and can't wait to get started!

I'll leave you with a picture of Khloe I took the other night. We have had a few trying weeks/months at our house. Khloe has definitely discovered her independence and likes to see how far she can push it sometimes. I guess that is what they call the "terrible twos." You know, you just always hope your kid somehow passes that over...but it didn't work out for us.

She is also getting teeth and only has two left to get...thank goodness! She has NEVER done well with teething.

Hopefully 2010 also brings us some more sleep at night. She was sleeping through the night for awhile after she got her tonsils/adenoids out and now we are back to not sleeping through the night.

Does this ever get any easier? On second thought....don't answer that...I don't think I want to know! :)

But moments like this make it all worth it!

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