Wednesday, January 13, 2010

a new day

Alright, on to better days after the one I had yesterday!

My original story yesterday was going to be about the new printer I purchased! I'm sooo excited to get it. I am probably in the dark ages for not having a photo printer, but I have been putting it off and putting it off because I just didn't want to do the research and didn't want to spend the money.

Finally I did the research and I decided it wasn't going to be too bad after all. I decided to go with the HP Photosmart Premium All in One. I ordered it directly from HP for two reasons. I figured if something was wrong with it I was hoping it would be easier to get it solved directly with them (I read mixed reviews on customer service) and also with me buying additional ink the printer and ink ended up being cheaper than anywhere else I saw it.

I really really really wanted a printer that would print 12x12 pages....but decided against getting one. Number one they were much much more expensive and number two I couldn't find one that I liked that came with a scanner. So I decided to go with this one.

I haven't had much experience with printers at all. For the money I thought this was the best choice to try one out. It was on sale and the ink is cheap...compared to others. In fact when I ordered the printer I got some additional ink right away too and one of them only cost me $5! Not bad....

I'm hoping to receive it before the weekend so I can try using it for my first challenge I have not started yet.....eek!

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