Sunday, January 31, 2010

Challenge #4 and a long post

Time for the announcement of the 4th challenge.

I have decided to take on.....

Combine black & white and color in a layout

You can take this however you want.

I might go a different route with this one than one might think....we'll see.

I wanted to post a few more pictures from the crop....I'm sure everyone that is in these pictures will be very pleased to see that their close ups made it into my blog.

This one up here was being ornery and wouldn't let me take her picture.

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE how fast my camera can take a picture. I can say someone's name and they turn and.... SNAP....I got their picture.

My old camera could never do that....I always missed all the good shots.

It is so good to be at home tonight with the family. I definitely missed them yesterday while I was at the crop. Even though they visited me a couple of times AND I came home to a clean house with all the dishes done....WHOO HOO....I told Troy I should leave more often!

This whole past week has just been completely screwed up with meals, bedtimes, name it. So this week it is all about getting back on track.

As I mentioned before Khloe is in her "testing" stage. Which means she likes to try and get away with A LOT.

For the past month or so she has started hitting a little bit. Not real hard...just a little swat at us....when she is being ornery and doesn't like to do something that we tell her. Just for verification I will add that we DO NOT hit this behavior is not coming from us.

Nevertheless, we don't stand for hitting at our house.

So when she tries to hit us we always say "Don't hit me" and then we explain that "We don't hit at our house." We always make her say I'm sorry when she does this. Usually resulting in a fight to get her to do so....but it gets done.

So today she started to raise her hand to me and I gave her the eye and SHE said "Don't hit me."

Ah yes, did I forget to mention that she loves to repeat ANYTHING that we say right now.

Now this wouldn't be that bad...because obviously she recognizes that she shouldn't be hitting us and that is what we tell her when she does it.

But of course my only thought is of me standing in the middle of Target with her again and all of a sudden Khloe shouts "Don't hit me." That outta be good, right? I'm sure I won't get any stares at all! I think we will be putting ALL public outings on hold for awhile....just so social services don't show up at our house.

Oh the joys of the terrible twos.....although people keep telling me that the twos are nothing...just wait till the threes.

We really can't wait....but moments like the ones that I posted over on my 365 days blog make it all worth it!

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