Sunday, January 24, 2010

Challenge #2


I cannot believe it is already Sunday night.

The weekend has flown by once again.


So I had planned to post this a little sooner today....but I fell asleep with Khloe at naptime and ended up sleeping for 2.5 hours. I know...definitely not planned for my day...but it sure felt good!

So here is my second challenge finished...whoo hoo! Only 50 more weeks to go! ha ha

The challenge was:

Highlight - don't hide - an imperfect shot

I did decide to go with the picture I had planned on. Here are the results

I always always keep the punch outs from my letters and try and use those in my layouts as well. It is a great way to get double the number of letters out of a box.

I had some cork board laying around from a bulletin board I did and decided to incorporate it into this page.

I really like how it turned out.

Doing these pages again has led me to remember how short on paper I am. I have tons of it...but not tons of full 12x12 sheets. I am really really trying not to buy too much more stuff until I use up some of my stash.

But a few things here and there though never hurt, right? :)

I will post the next challenge later tonight.

I am loving my decision to make this a goal for 2010. I feel like I'm going to accomplish so much more scrapbooking by doing these challenges.

It FORCES me to get it done! Which some weeks is what I need! :)

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