Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I can't help myself

Here is my little darling...all innocent that she is.

She does this thing with her eyes when she wants something. She moves them all the way over and looks at you just out of the very corners and kinda tilts her head a certain way.

Then she holds up 1 finger and in the cutest little voice you can ever imagine, says "One more, peeasse."

IRRESISTIBLE...and the little rat knows it.

What, you ask, does she want?


We are not huge pop drinkers at our house...usually Friday nights with pizza we have a pop...yes...usually only one a week...sometimes two. However Troy came in for lunch yesterday and had a frozen pizza and pop for lunch.

The little munchkin hears the can open and marches right over to the drawer and reaches her little paw in and pulls out a straw. She then heads over pushes up a chair next to her new best friend and cocks her head and pushes the eyes to the corner and pleads.

And as usual when this voice comes out this is the result......

Why does she love pop so, you ask?

Because it "tickles my nose" of course.

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