Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snowflake Scrap

We made it!

12 hours.....that actually went really fast.

We had a least I did....I presume everyone else did to!

We even had a little jam out session at the end with a very enthusiastic dancer....thanks for the entertainment Melissa! :)

Here are a few pictures from the day

For being scrapbookers, I was in amazement that no one wanted their picture taken! :)

I did the flower tutorial and then after everyone had finished making their flowers I gave them about 15 minutes to create a card with it. I was going to judge and pick one. I honestly thought this would be an easy task...I mean what can one do in 15 minutes.

Well I was blown away. Here are the results of all the flower cards...I tried to capture them all...sorry if I missed a couple.

So as you can probably guess....I could not pick a winner. So I picked out three cards and let everyone come up and vote on them. These two tied.

So they both got a prize! :)

It was a great day and I think everyone had fun! Hopefully everyone got lots accomplished!

I will be sending out pictures in emails later for everyone as well as posting some more pictures tonight. You didn't really think that the close ups were going to get left out did you? :)

I have a lot more to post today including my finished challenge page from the week and my new challenge for this week. We have to head to a birthday party right now, but you will probably see at least 2 or 3 more posts from me well as my updated 365 days pictures when I get back.

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