Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

I have been spending this last week really putting some thought into my goals for next year both personally and professionally. I'm actually thankful for the snow and cold weather this year believe it or not. There are so many projects and ideas I have and want to do and I know if it were summer right now I would want to be outside enjoying the weather. So this year I have decided to enjoy the winter and accomplish as much as I can before the warm weather hits. Because really what other choice do we have? The cold will be here no matter what.

So tonight, instead of going out, we have decided to have a nice night at home just playing games and watching movies. I'm excited for night at home just the three of us relaxing. It doesn't seem to happen too often between my job and Troy's job. I definitely want to finish up my goal list tonight as well.

Happy New Year!

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