Monday, December 21, 2009

nothing like waiting till the last minute.....

I've had this great idea for quite some time to make Khloe a "quiet/interactive book." I thought it would be something really great to give her for her birthday. Well, her birthday came and went so I aimed for Christmas. So finally this weekend I thought I would start working on it. I wanted to do a few different things with it, but time is just running out. So I went for the quick option. I figured if she liked it then next year I can make one with some snaps, zippers, etc.

She loves animals, shapes, and buttons right now so I knew those would go in there for sure. Then I decided to make a clock for one of the pages that she could move the arms to change what time it is. I know she is only two and is a long way from being able to tell time....but she can grow with it this way. Then I decided to sew some clothes and hang them from the clothesline. For no other reason than I thought it would look neat. So all of the animals, shapes, clothes, and buttons have velcro behind them so she can pull them all out and stick them back on in the right places.

I had wanted to put colored paper on the backgrounds and do a little more writing in there, but like I said...time just ran out. So, better luck next year! I think I will start working on Christmas projects in January this next year! :)

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