Sunday, December 13, 2009


Here is a little peek into our house at Christmas this year. If only we had a fireplace I think the decorations would be complete!

This is probably the last year that I will decorate the tree in our living room with ornaments from when we were kids. I remember being at home when I was younger and my mom always wanted to do a "theme" tree. We would never let her because we always liked seeing the ornaments that we picked out on the tree. So I thought before Khloe gets too much older and gets attached to the tree being this way, like we did when we were kids, I am going to get her a tree for her room next year when she is a little bit older and let her put whatever ornaments she wants on it. Maybe I can snag a good deal on a tree after Christmas. Then I can do a "theme" tree in our livingroom next year.

I had seen a stocking holder similair to the one that is shown above on Etsy last year and it was selling for an enormous price...much more than I was willing to spend. Luckily for me, my dad can do some amazing woodworking things and I unwrapped that as a gift last Christmas. I was soooo excited this year to get it out and put my finishing touches of a little bit of paint and a small picture of Khloe in it. I think it turned out better than I imagined...and much better than the one on Etsy. Thanks, Dad...I love it! You couldn't build me a fireplace this year to sit it on could you?

I love laying in our livingroom at night just looking at the tree....I'm dreading the fact that there is only about another 2 weeks of this left. Tomorrow we are baking sugar cookies so hopefully I will have some fun pictures to post!

1 comment:

The Claborn's said...

... I love it too! Could you please make Jessica one too... as well as a pizza board like Holly's, an old grainery for the yard... and anything else you have made Holly! :) Your parents are awesome!