Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Little Peanut

I am not even kidding when I say this is what Khloe put on today to wear to her birthday party. I was downstairs getting ready and she came down in this gettup! I told her we needed to rethink the party clothes!

A big sucker from Aunt Heather....she knew just what Khloe liked!

Ben was nice enough to give Khloe a ride in the laundry basket for her of her favorite activities! Thanks Ben!!!

My mom made the monkey cake! Didn't she do a great job? It was tasty!

Today was Khloe's 2nd birthday! I can't believe how fast the time has gone! It seriously feels like we were just having a party for her 1st birthday!

She has grown up so seems like everyday Troy and I are saying "You'll never guess what Khloe did today!" There are new things everyday. She recently has learned to crinkle her eyebrows at us and loves to get a reaction out of us when she does it.

She must have had tons of fun today and got pretty wore out because she crawled up on my lap at 5 PM and I don't think her head even hit my shoulder before she was asleep. I hate when she falls asleep that late in the day....what do you do? We couldn't decide if we should let her sleep or wake her up....we decided to try and let her sleep. Cross your fingers for us that she sleeps through the night!

I'm pretty tired myself so I thought I would do my posting a little early tonight and then head for the couch. There is NOTHING better than laying on the couch with all the Christmas lights on and watching a good Hallmark Christmas movie....especially since it is snowing outside now! Oohh and we have hot apple cider still going in the pot! This is sounding better and better!


Cami said...

Holly -
Happy Birthday Khloe! I love the pictures! The cake was sooo cute! I totally hear ya on the sleep thing. Grant does that still, but I figure if he wasn't so tired then he would stay up. He is good sleeper though. I usually figure he is trying to catch up...which doesn't hurt either. The only thing is he wakes up crabby because he is really hungry. Good luck! Cami

The Claborn's said...

Happy Birthday Miss Khloe! Where does the time go??!! :) Hope you had a great one-- and hope we can get together sometime soon! Shannon, Jes & McKenna

ErinLamka said...

Happy Birthday Khloe! Looks like you had a fun day!

PS. Good job on the cake Donna!