Thursday, March 18, 2010


What a day.

I have two really close friends. You know the ones that you always know will be in your life and would do about anything to help you out.

I went and saw one of them this morning. She just had a baby girl last week. It is her first baby and she has waited FOREVER to have kids. It was so cool to see them together. Her little girl is just the cutest little thing ever. I kept telling her that I was going to steal her and take her home with me (she thinks I was kidding). She is on cloud nine.

I got home from there and probably within an hour I got a phone call from my other best friend's husband. It is usually never good when the husband calls and I knew something was wrong instantly when I heard his voice.

Her mom had been battling leukemia and had been doing well. She died suddenly last night.

My heart broke for my friend.

She is pregnant with her second child and has had a tough pregnancy and only has about 2 months left. I can't even begin to imagine how she is feeling right now.

I hate that there is not one thing I can do to make any of this easier for them. No one deserves to have something like this happen....especially not her.

The tears just start to flow every time I think of her.......

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