Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Challenge #9....check

Put the finishing touches on challenge #9 last night, which was

Draw inspiration from media

I had a lot of fun with this layout and took a lot of risks, by doing things that I had never done before. I'm pretty pleased with the layout.

It is the first two page layout I have done in a long time. Everything except for the "moments like this" is stamped. I know...outside my comfort zone. I do stamp a lot on cards...but stamping on a page is a whole different story. I kept worrying about screwing it up and not being able to change it. It all turned out great though I think.

Here is a closer look at the individual pages.

I used my smooch ink to dot on some pink to match the swirls around the photo.

Oh and remember this was my inspiration for the page.

Onto starting my challenge #11.

I also wanted to share some good news at our house.

I made Khloe an appointment at the chiropractor yesterday. Took her in and turns out she had a misalignment along her spine which was causing her to have colicky like symptoms. He said it wasn't causing her pain....just causing her nervous system to react differently.

Last night....brand new kid. NO crying, whining, or throwing fits. NONE WHATSOEVER! Let me just be very clear in saying that from the time she came home from daycare to the time she went to bed every single day Khloe cried or whined almost constantly, which is not like her at all, which is why I thought she was getting teeth.

We put her in bed last night (which the past few weeks had been taking at least an hour to get her to sleep every single night with lots of crying) and she was asleep in less than 5 minutes with no crying. She slept all night until 7:30 this morning. She woke up and there was NO crying or whining about getting dressed and leaving, and trust me, usually there is lots of tears, lots of fighting and takes FOREVER to get her out the door. She was soooo cooperative. AMAZING. It makes me wonder how long her back has been out. Poor girl couldn't control her emotions.

We have the best chiropractor...he works miracles. I already sent him a nice thank you. You can't imagine how long it has been since there hasn't been a crying kid at our house. It is a REALLY nice change.

Maybe now would be a fine time to try the potty chair again....since she is so cooperative.

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