Sunday, March 21, 2010

Challenge #10 results and new challenge

My challenge #10 was

Finish a page in 45 minutes

Not happening at my house. I swear I got interrupted at least 10 times. I don't know how long it actually took me to do this page. I do think it was over 45 minutes. So I probably failed this one...but nonetheless it got done.

Once I get my sewing machine I do want to do a few zigzag stitches around the pictures. I really need to get this sewing machine. Right now though I don't have a place for it.

Troy has been working on making my desk. We decided it would be bigger and cheaper if he just built it. Hopefully I will have it posted by the end of the week. I can't wait!!!

I have NOT finished challenge #9 yet, which was

Draw inspiration from media

I know exactly what I want to do now, however I need to make a trip to the craft store for a couple of supplies. I have been behaving with my spending so I am going to splurge a little bit for some new supplies. :) Can't wait for that either!

So my plan for this week is to finish #9 and do #11 this week.

Here is #11

Tilt your design on an angle

Well I think I'm calling it an early night tonight. I'm fighting a cold and all I want to do is lay on the couch. I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with this crazy weather.

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