Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Big week around here. We went from this..... this!

Amazing, right? Yes it is the same room. :) It always blows my mind too what a fresh coat of paint does for a room. Looks brand new...and really big!

Now don't start thinking that my child is deprived and these are all the toys she has. That is certainly NOT the case. She still has a HUGE bookcase full of books upstairs, a table to draw on and a big toy box in her room full of toys. Not to mention about 10 stuffed animals/babies to choose from. I figured I would kind of keep an eye on what she doesn't use on a day to day basis and move that stuff downstairs as needed. Most of the little stuff fits in her toy box so I'm fine with letting her keep that upstairs. At least we got all the "big" awkward stuff out of her room and our living room so we can at least walk and sit on our furniture!

Ahhhh, spring cleaning has officially begun at our house!

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