Sunday, April 25, 2010


I got my machine turned on and threaded today. Kinda proud of myself that I threaded a sewing machine all by myself.

Pathetic, I know, but hey, it's the little things that make me happy.

I just managed to make my daughter the sorriest (is that a word?) looking belt you will ever see. I think I whipped it out in about 20 minutes. I couldn't sew a straight line to save my soul. Even the zigzag stitches look terrible.

This was my first sewing project (I practiced for about 2 minutes before I sewed it) and it turns out I need TONS of practice. Probably shouldn't have wasted all of my supplies on this belt, but I couldn't resist trying. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow for her so I thought it would be nice if her pants weren't falling down, even though we all love singing "Pants on the ground."

So I will put her sorry looking belt on her and she will wear it and I will pretend to be proud of my first attempt at sewing.

And I'm sure I will show you some great pictures tomorrow of the new belt. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that it at least fits her.

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