Saturday, April 24, 2010

Create an itemized list

Another week....another challenge finished. Amazingly enough. I swear each week keeps getting busier and busier.

My challenge this week was

Create an itemized list

I decided to use the pictures from the day we brought Khloe home from the hospital. I created a checklist of some of the items we would need to have at home, including our new little babe.

Didn't do anything real crazy with this page and really no new techniques to speak of. I just have to be ok with some of the pages being a little bit more plain than the last. After all it is about getting the information and pictures in the book, right?

Next challenge?

Include Memorabilia

I believe my day tomorrow will include pricing garage sale stuff, learning my new sewing machine (they forgot to send me all of the accessories and I finally got them on Thursday), laundry, and of course cleaning. The never ending job. Ughhhh

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