Friday, April 23, 2010

new recipe

Whew made it through another night. Amazingly enough she didn't even wake up last night!
It has been a long couple of days, which explains my lack of blog posts. We have been keeping her on the nebulizer. Last night was the first time she didn't scream bloody murder when we put her on it. She insists on Troy holding her while she does it, Dora must be on TV, and M&M's are always involved afterwards.

I did get a wild hair yesterday when I saw two over ripe bananas sitting on the counter. Lately those just get thrown in the garbage at our house. I decided to whip up some muffins in hopes that Khloe would at least eat those (which didn't happen). I found a great new recipe at It is for Banana Crumb Muffins.

This is what they looked like before I popped them in the oven. Don't they look yummy? They are!

That crumb topping is so good you could eat it by the spoonfuls, not that I would ever try that.

I don't think there will be bananas going to waste at our house anytime soon. I had plans to get a picture of the muffins after they got out of the oven....but there is only one left now!

My muffin making certainly added to the mess in my kitchen. Troy gets a hoot out of me when I bake. There is always sugar and flour spilled ALL over the counter. I'm sure he often time wonders if I actually get all of the ingredients into the pan.

I am dying to get some work done on my blog, as well as my challenge page. Hopefully this weekend that will happen. I think it is supposed to rain here all weekend, which will help me get some things done since there won't be any going outside. The laundry is piled up so high I am surprised any of us have anything to wear. I'm also fairly sure there won't be any house showings this weekend with the way our house looks. I think it might take us two days to clean it.

Speaking of the house, I may have a little news in the next couple of days. We'll see what happens over the weekend. Just in case, we have started the search for a place to live. We are going to go check a place out tomorrow. I'm getting fairly excited about selling since we do have a place in mind (hopefully) to live.

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