Thursday, April 15, 2010

first showing

*big sigh*

What a day!

Talked to our Realtor at about 11:00 today and she told us that two families already want to look at our house!!! Unreal. It was just listed yesterday! We figured they were just snoopy people, but she claims that they are both potential buyers. One of them wanted to look at our house tonight! WOW!

So she calls about 3:30 and tells us they want to come and they will be here at 7! I had a client from 4-6, so you can about imagine how much scrambling we did from 3:30-4. I had started picking up during the day, but it didn't help matters that I had chosen today to make all of my pizza crusts to refill the freezer. A nice BIG mess to clean up!

But we got everything cleaned and Troy even made the comment the house looks so good cleaned up maybe we should put an offer in on it! ha ha

So we loaded Khloe into the car and expected to be gone all of 15-20 minutes. An HOUR later they finally left our house!!! I swear they must have just laid on our comfy couches and taken a nap while they were here. What the heck could take an hour to walk through a house? We don't have 10 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms to walk through. Needless to say the thought of showing our house again does not excite me! I half expected there to be an offer laying on our table when we got home as long as it took.

So this, I'm sure, is the first of many showings. Probably another one tomorrow or Saturday. Hopefully the weather is nice so we can go to the park.

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