Friday, November 6, 2009

Has anyone seen a nurse?

Well this is where I was lucky enough to spend my day/night yesterday! Khloe had to have her tonsils and adenoids out yesterday! We have been fighting sore throats probably since we have had her. Just as the doctor suspected when he went in for the 15-20 minute surgery (I know, fast, right?) her tonsils were HUGE! He claimed you could drive a truck through her little throat now!

Khloe did SOOO good! I couldn't have asked for a better kid yesterday! She even went with the nurses to the O.R. pretty well. There really wasn't any tears that we saw before she left!

We did have quite the rough day and night yesterday. I swear as soon one nurse walked out and Khloe would just fall asleep another nurse would walk in. Nobody there had ever heard the term "whisper" I'm sure. It is absolutly amazing to me that we stayed on the pediatric floor and nobody seemed to know enough to let a kid sleep! I think there might have been one or two times where she got an hour nap without anyone coming in (this includes during the day and night). They couldn't seem to understand why she wouldn't just lay still to take her medicine...I mean the kid wasn't extremely overtired or anything! I really couldn't believe how well she did under the circumstances. There was a couple of student nurses there and I can honestly say they were the best ones! They were quiet when they came in and talked to her softly and explained things to her before they started. SO PATIENT!!! And....then there were the other nurses! :) One of them squeezed her mouth together so hard when she was trying to put the medicine in her mouth I finally took her hand in mine ripped it off of Khloe and grabbed the medicine from her.

AUGHHHH have I mentioned how good it is to be home! :) Khloe came home today around 11 and took a 3 hour nap with me and she is like a new kid! I actually had to tell her to stop jumping on the couch! Like I said before...someone needs to clue them in on how much sleep can help a kid! She is pretty tuckered out tonight and is already asleep. Unfortunatly we have to wake her up a couple of times to do medicine tonight, but better to do it at home! Speaking of which it is time to go do that now!

1 comment:

The Claborn's said...

Hey lady-- glad to hear Miss Khloe is doing good! Give her a big hug for us! She'll be sleeping all night in no time! :) Love the new blog too-- your really making me feel bad w/ this scrapbooking stuff! :)