Monday, November 16, 2009

Nie Nie

I just wanted to point out the little blue typewriter that is down on the lower right side of my blog. It says "I read Nie Nie."

Some of you may have heard of Stephanie Nielson. She was on Oprah not too long ago. She and her husband were in a terrible plane crash that left burns over 80% off her body. Her husband got out of the plane with a broken back and ankle, but he went back for Stephanie and saved her life. It is an AMAZING story.

If you want to check out her blog just click on the blue typewriter and it will take you there. You can also google her and check out her interviews on Oprah and some others that will explain her story. Just be sure and have your kleenex ready!

I pointed this out only because I think it is a great way for many of us to appreciate what we have in our life!

There are definitely many nights when it comes to be bath time at my house and I drag my feet because I'm tired and don't want to do it. Or Khloe wants a book read for the 10th time and I'm tired of reading it. I remember listening to one of Stephanie's interviews where she said she would give about anything to be able to put her kids in and out of the bath and hold them on her lap, but she can't because it hurts her burns to bad. I can't even imagine!

Be sure and check out her blog. I think it is a source of daily inspiration! Just to remind us that sometimes when we THINK we are having a bad maybe isn't as bad as we think!

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