Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Life is....fun

Here is Khloe's new favorite spot.

We set up the Christmas decorations last week and this is where she camps out now sometimes. She loves to try and sneak the figurines out of the nativity....she just glances over at me to see if I'm watching and gives me a big smile and then waits till I leave the room to snatch them all out.

The fun part is she thinks she is being pretty sneaky. What she doesn't know is that I love playing this game with her. She gets the cutest look on her face when I tiptoe back in the living room and catch her in the act. I can't resist!

I know, I know, it's all fun and games now....just wait till she gets older, right? As of right now, the guilty look on her face always gives her away. I'm hoping I can always spot that look!

I picked up the "Elf on the Shelf" this weekend at a Hallmark store. It was 20% off so I couldn't pass it up. I can't wait to get it out after Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Amy Peterson said...

We have "Elf on the Shelf" as well! I love the excitement it brings to our home every morning! I wish I would have been able to start that tradition a few years ago, but I will enjoy it now!