Friday, December 31, 2010


Let's start the "resolutions" with one word.


It is all about what I want in life for 2011.

This coming from the person who just got an Ipad right? The good part is that the Ipad will actually help me achieve this goal by being better organized and having everything in one place. At my fingertips.

This year for me is all about taking a look at needs and wants. This comes into play for my business, our new house, a new vehicle....any purchase I make I want to take a look at and decide what we/I really need. Sure there will still be things I buy that will be wants. The difference being, this year, I really want to make a budget and stick to it. That means if the money in my budget is gone for the month then there are no extras. I want to put a lot more money into savings this year.

A couple of more short term (6 month) goals for me (business and personal) include:

Spend more time with Khloe. I have found with the screwy hours I work there are days here and there that I barely even see her. So my plan this year is to allocate some time each day for play time, reading, arts and crafts, etc.

Spend more time as a family together.  Again, with Troy and I being self-employed we often find ourselves switching shifts with Khloe so that we can both get some work done while the other is watching her.  So my goal is for the three of us to take as much time this year as we can to be together.  Khloe is growing so fast and I don't want to look back and wish we had taken more time together as a family.

Get all of my pictures downloaded, edited, organized, and saved. Right now I have about 800 photos on my camera not to mention the thousands that are sitting on my computer just waiting to be saved to a disc.

Add 30 items to my Etsy shop. This one, hopefully, should be easily reached in the next 6 months. I have about 25 in there now and my goal is 50-60 items for 2011.

Organize my office at work. If only I had a picture to show...but glad I don't. I need my big table moved up for working on my jewelry and I need lots of storage options added.

Add a reception desk and clock to the salon. This one may sound silly, but I have yet to get my reception desk bought and moved in. The good news is I do have it picked out. I have been searching for the perfect big wall clock to hang and just have not found it. Drives me insane not having one, but I didn't want to just buy any old clock to hang.

Ok and I'm obviously going to throw the one goal in there that everyone does.  Lose 10 pounds.  I not only want to lose the weight, but I really just want to have more energy.  I want to create a better lifestyle for our family.  With the odd hours we work there are lots of nights that supper is, well, not really supper.  This has happened more often than not this year.  So I really want to change this up and hopefully start a menu of meals again and a workout schedule for me.

My final goal for 2011.....


No, we haven't even begun on it yet, but we will soon.  We are finally putting the pieces together and deciding what we want so we can start.  My realistic goal for moving in is this summer.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I hope everyone has a wonderful NEW YEAR!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I have been thinking a lot about goals for the new year. I had so many goals for the past year....remember my scrapbook page a week idea? I did really well for about 6 months. Then the move came and the new salon.

I really wanted to learn how to sew....I did pretty good. Remember the bean bags and Khloe's belt? Ok so I think the beanbags are still laying on my table half done. Whoops...

I had a few other personal goals that I didn't share, which I'm now glad about because I didn't accomplish too many of those.

Oh and then there was my absolute brilliant idea of taking a picture a day for 365 days (I did make it 139 days). Of all the goals this was my favorite and I only wish I had stuck to it. Those pictures say so much about our life last year. Things I would have forgotten about had I not had a picture to remember it. So on that note I'm pretty sure you will see that goal published again this year and as hard as it may be I am going to do my absolute best to stick to it and I definitely want to pass the challenge on to my blog readers...especially those with small children. It is a great way to document your year without writing things down. Here are some of my favorites. 

Hopefully I will do a little better this year.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Alright so I am hooked.

I'm typing my first official post from my new Ipad!

I really don't have much to say at the moment but I just wanted to try it out. It does come in really handy when you are laying on the couch sick...which is what I am up to at the moment!

I have about 800 pictures on my camera that need to be downloaded, sorted, and edited. Sounds like a good New Years weekend project since I don't know if I will make it off the couch much before that!

Hmm not really seeing a way to center this post on the page. Apparently there are limitations! Ha ha

Monday, December 27, 2010

merry and bright

I know I have NEVER mentioned how much I love my husband.

Here is yet another reason.

This fabulous gift happened to be waiting under my tree this year.  
Nothing like the gift that keeps on giving.

I am in my researching phase before opening it though.  I have to make sure I can get internet access at my salon.  We also want to make sure it is a big enough one.  We got the 32 gb and just can't decide if we will want the 64. 

I CAN'T WAIT to open it!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

winter has arrived

We've been busy!  

Snowman making and sledding!

Monday, December 13, 2010

playing catchup

Ok so I'm only a week or so behind, as always, but here is some decorating of cupcakes we did for Khloe's birthday.  

I always make cupcakes for her to take to daycare for her birthday.  

The funny thing is it is always a different daycare each year for her birthday so it is always fun and new for that daycare.  

Ok so it isn't really funny, not for us anyways. 

And the tradition year....another new daycare.  Our provider told us a couple of weeks ago that she would be done with daycare in May.  It's a good thing Khloe isn't a trouble maker or I would start to think it was my kid driving the providers away.  We have had nothing but smiley faces everyday, so I shouldn't have to worry about that at least.
I didn't have quite the nervous breakdown that I had the last time our provider quit.  She only gave us 2 weeks...thankfully this time we got 6 months.  Plus I was planning to line someone up for summer anyways, so that gives us 9 months to either win the lottery so I can stay home or find someone new for the fall.

Thank God we are on to Preschool after that.  I can't handle this daycare stuff anymore.


Troy was really hamming it up for the camera so I thought I would do the same.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

christmas outtakes

Here is a little prelude to our Christmas cards this year.  

I had mixed feelings about how they turned out.  

One one hand I absolutely loved them and on the other I wish I would have gone a different direction with them.  

But they are done and in their envelopes and ready to mail so like it, or hate it, that is the way it is going to be this year!

All in all I did like them.  

Ok I'm done debating now.  

Here are some outtakes. 
(you won't see the actual until Christmas, sorry)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

head up

Some days I like to wallow in self-pity.  I'm sure it gets the best of all of us sometimes.  It helps sometimes to really take a step back and put everything into perspective.  

A friend forwarded this to me (thanks Amy) and I had to share it  If you are having a bad day I think it really helps to read through this.

Written by a 90 year old

This is something we should all read at least once a week!!  Make sure you read to the end!

Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio .

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written.

My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more":

1.  Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2.  When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3.  Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4.  Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5.  Pay off your credit cards every month.

6.  You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7.  Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8.  It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9.  Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10.  When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11.  Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12.  It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13.  Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14.  If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15.  Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16.  Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17.  Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18.  Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19.  It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20.  When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21.  Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22.  Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23.  Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24.  The most important sex organ is the brain.

25.  No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26.  Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27.  Always choose life.

28.  Forgive everyone everything.

29.  What other people think of you is none of your business.

30.  Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31.  However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32.  Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33.  Believe in miracles.

34.  God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35.  Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36.  Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37.  Your children get only one childhood.

38.  All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39.  Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40.  If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41.  Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42.  The best is yet to come...

43.  No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44.  Yield.

45.  Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Monday, December 6, 2010


Today my baby turned 3.

Where did the time go?

I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday.  

I remember all of the pain.  

I remember seeing her face for the first time.  

I remember the first time I heard her cry.  

I remember laying in the hospital bed and watching her sleep. 

I remember bringing her home in a snow storm.

I remember sitting in the chair the first night at home and my heart bursting with love for this little person.

As I sat and rocked her yesterday for her nap, in the exact same chair as that first night we brought her home, I thought of all the changes that had happened in our lives in the last three years.  I thought about all of the changes that will probably happen in the next three years.  

As I sat there and rocked, I thought, one thing remains the same.  

I will love this girl forever.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

movie stars beware

Ok so here is the Kellan Lutz story.


In case some of you don't know this hunk, he plays a vampire in the Twilight movies.  I just happen to be a HUGE Twilight fan and it just so happens that some of his relatives live very near us.  As in a hop, skip, and jump across the street.  So I was at work about a week and a half ago and around noon one of my clients stopped in and showed me a picture of her with him.  She is a huge fan as well and pretty much came to rub it in my face! ha ha  I admit, I was jealous.

I got off work that day at noon and heard he was in town until the next morning.  So the stalking began.  I just decided every time I came home I would just drive to the next corner past our house and come home that way.  Really not that much out of the way.  So when I got home I parked myself in front of our back window, which faces their house.  Nothing, nothing, nothing.  Yes, I was getting a little frustrated.  Where in the heck could he be?

Finally around 5:30 or so I gave up (I really didn't sit there from 12-5:30, I got up to eat and pee).  This is nuts, I thought to myself, I'm sitting here at the back window like a giddy kid waiting for this guy, who I don't even know, to show up.  He is just a person, why am I wasting my time like this?  So I decide to go pick up a pizza for supper.  On my way home I thought, ok seriously, this is the last time, and I drove the extra block and took the turn one last time.  Imagine my surprise when I see him standing outside talking to some girls (of course).  It's a good thing no one was walking down the street, pretty sure I would have taken them out, because I was not looking anywhere but at him.  Seriously, I'm not usually ga-ga over movies stars.  I read People magazine and I love to read about them and watch them on tv, but I'm not like the "OH MY GOSH HE IS SO HOT" type of person.  

Ok so here goes, there's always a first for everything.  OH MY GOSH HE IS SO HOT!  Way better looking in person than in Twilight.  

So on my way into the house, I dropped the pizza, luckily it didn't fall out of the box, and started screaming at Troy as I walked in the door.  So we both run to the window and look out at him.  Troy says "Get your camera and your book and get over there."  I keep saying "No no no, I can't, I would feel soooo stupid."  This went on for about 5 minutes and finally I grab my stuff and head out the door.  I feel like a total goon by the way, walking over there.  Finally I get over there and I don't even know what I said, but somehow he signed my book, talked to me, and took a picture with me.  Meanwhile, my body is shaking so uncontrollably I'm sure he thought I was going to pass out at any minute.  Somehow I made it back home (floating, I'm sure) and proceeded to call every member of my family and scream on the phone for about an hour.  Khloe had to think I was a lunatic by the end of the night.  

So in the end I got to meet him and he was super, super nice, and super, super hot.  Troy told me, "See everything happens for a reason, maybe living in this duplex isn't quite so bad now!" ha ha

Monday, November 29, 2010


Lots and lots going on around here.  I find myself each and every week saying to myself "next week will slow down" or "next week I will do this."  Am I the only one?  I can't be.  There has to be millions of people out there that have a busy life.  I guess in a way I choose to be this busy.  I have come to terms that I like to be busy most of the time, otherwise I get bored.  What I need is a little organization in my life.  I need to schedule things out and stick to it.  Sometimes my head feels like it is going to explode because I have a million things I want/need to do.  

The salon has been extremely busy the last few weeks, which I am very grateful for.  I finally got it decorated today for Christmas and have a few extra things to do before my open house this week, but should be ready to go by Wednesday.

My WONDERFUL friends, clients, and blog followers have been keeping me so busy with necklace orders.  I couldn't have asked for a better outcome my first few weeks of my new venture.  A BIG thank you to everyone that has ordered!  I'm so excited for this new chapter in my life and can't wait to keep creating!

We had a great Thanksgiving.  I, along with about a million other people I'm sure, ate WAY WAY WAY too much and felt miserable all day.  It was still a great day though.  I did not venture out on Black Friday, but have been finding myself checking the Amazon deals way to often.  I still haven't bought anything.

We did our Christmas decorating last night.  If you want to call it that! ha ha  Don't worry there will be another post to follow in the next day or two!  Khloe is napping on the couch right now and Troy ran to pick up our new (portable) dishwasher.  WHOOO HOO!  We couldn't take it anymore and he found a good deal on Thanksgiving Day online so we couldn't pass it up.  I can't wait. The sink is full and I'm not touching one of them until I load them in the dishwasher!  

I'm just sitting here enjoying the tree and the quiet.  One of my favorite days of the week is Monday when I just get to hang out with Khloe and be lazy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas delivery

Just wanted to put a little notice on here about my deadline for Christmas on the necklaces! 

In order to guarantee delivery by December 24th your necklaces must be ordered by December 3rd.  If you are not having them shipped and are picking them up from me at the salon you must have your order in by December 9th.  If you miss these deadlines, send me a convo through my Etsy shop and I'll see what I can do.  It all depends on what I have in stock!

I would love to make a necklace for you, so be sure and check out my shop!  New items are added all the time (as quickly as I can get them on there).  I have been tremendously busy and just want to thank everyone for their support with my new venture.  It has been exciting so far and I can't wait to create more new items.  I have a few bracelet ideas up my sleeve, but probably won't get them in the shop before Christmas.

P.S.  Yes I'm still TOTALLY drooling over the hunk I got to meet.  The full details will be showing up soon! 

Friday, November 19, 2010

just hanging out

Just threw a little party tonight for some friends.  

Found this stragler out on the street.

Nobody special really......

Twilight anyone????

Monday, November 15, 2010

time to decorate

After our first big snow this weekend I have been seriously thinking about Christmas decorations.  I can't wait to put them up.  My only drawback is where we are living.  I really don't have tons of room to decorate so I'm going to have to be creative this year and very selective about the things I will have room for.

One thing I have had my eye on for the last couple of months is this Noel sign from Pottery Barn.  
I love love love it!
  I believe it is made of cast iron and retails for about $125!
(no longer on their site, must have sold out, obviously I'm one of the few who wouldn't pay $125 for this)

So I have a brilliant idea (hopefully) in mind to make a replica.  I'll post soon!

Friday, November 12, 2010

snap snap

Another necklace added to the shop!  I'm quite fond of this one, isn't that little camera cute?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

photo shoot

I did a fun little photo shoot for a friend of mine last weekend.  They were wanting pictures taken for a Christmas card and I happily offered up my amateur services.

It was a very windy day so we did our best to find some spots out of the breeze.  I think everyone had a pretty good time! 

Isn't the little one cute? :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

more more more

I added a little goodness to my Etsy shop tonight.  

I just got the necklaces set up at the salon today and got a couple of orders!  So I will be back at work and adding more designs hopefully every couple of days! Yippppeeeee!

One of my favorites to date!  The washer is hammered and oxidized, with a heart and pearl hanging in the middle!  LOVE IT!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I can feel's coming.  That terrible "c" word. 

The sneezing, watery eyes, itchy nose.  


I'm willing it away.  It HAS to go away!  I have way to much going on this week to let it take me over.

We have been working, working, working on a plan for the house.  We go back and forth on are we going to add on, aren't we, how big would we want it, do we want a basement, etc.  It is really killing me that we are free to be in the house now and we have no clue what we are doing, so therefore work is halted.....rephrase, hasn't even begun.

Hmmm what else?

Ok Halloween has come and past and I still have not put on pictures...ughhh.  Can you tell I have no ambition lately?  I feel like all I do is sit and "think" about everything I have to do and not just get up and do it.  I need to start my good little to do list and get to it!  

On an exciting note one of my really really good friends put in a huge order for necklaces for Christmas gifts.  I'm so excited to get started on them and can't wait to post the new ones I came up with!  Thanks Jess! 

Oohh and another exciting note....I get to do my first "photo shoot" this weekend for one of my other friends and her family.  I CANNOT WAIT!!!  With just a smidgen of nervousness mixed in.  By the way do you know that I typed smidge and spell check came up and they don't consider that a word, but smidgen is?  Weird.  Sorry.  Off topic.

What was I saying....oh and photography....does it get any better??? 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

etsy shop

My Etsy shop is up and running!  

Check it out in the upper side of the right column.  So excited to finally have a shop in Etsy!

If you want to order you can click on the Etsy link and order through Etsy or if you are a local, you know where to find me!

Since I'm just starting out I don't know what this holiday season will be like (hopefully crazy busy), so please be sure and allow 2 weeks for delivery before Christmas just in case!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Picture overload

 I told you I was making up for lost time this week!  I finally dusted off my camera in the last few weeks and got snapping.  I love love love taking pictures of my girl.  She is to the age she cooperates somewhat now, bribes usually help, and I'm not above it in cases like this.

Check out the cute jeggings.  If only mama could pull them off like she can!  I'd take her whole outfit in fact, if I could.

We made a trip to a local play area a few weeks ago.  The little peanut enjoyed playing on everything and running around.  Of course we had to get a sucker too (remember the bribe).

Friday, October 29, 2010

my girl

I love this girl more than anything.  She is the sweetest, funniest little thing.  Sure we have our moments of not listening and tantrum throwing.  But moments like these more than make up for those times!