Let's start the "resolutions" with one word.
It is all about what I want in life for 2011.
This coming from the person who just got an Ipad right? The good part is that the Ipad will actually help me achieve this goal by being better organized and having everything in one place. At my fingertips.
This year for me is all about taking a look at needs and wants. This comes into play for my business, our new house, a new vehicle....any purchase I make I want to take a look at and decide what we/I really need. Sure there will still be things I buy that will be wants. The difference being, this year, I really want to make a budget and stick to it. That means if the money in my budget is gone for the month then there are no extras. I want to put a lot more money into savings this year.
A couple of more short term (6 month) goals for me (business and personal) include:
Spend more time with Khloe. I have found with the screwy hours I work there are days here and there that I barely even see her. So my plan this year is to allocate some time each day for play time, reading, arts and crafts, etc.
Spend more time as a family together. Again, with Troy and I being self-employed we often find ourselves switching shifts with Khloe so that we can both get some work done while the other is watching her. So my goal is for the three of us to take as much time this year as we can to be together. Khloe is growing so fast and I don't want to look back and wish we had taken more time together as a family.
Get all of my pictures downloaded, edited, organized, and saved. Right now I have about 800 photos on my camera not to mention the thousands that are sitting on my computer just waiting to be saved to a disc.
Add 30 items to my Etsy shop. This one, hopefully, should be easily reached in the next 6 months. I have about 25 in there now and my goal is 50-60 items for 2011.
Organize my office at work. If only I had a picture to show...but glad I don't. I need my big table moved up for working on my jewelry and I need lots of storage options added.
Add a reception desk and clock to the salon. This one may sound silly, but I have yet to get my reception desk bought and moved in. The good news is I do have it picked out. I have been searching for the perfect big wall clock to hang and just have not found it. Drives me insane not having one, but I didn't want to just buy any old clock to hang.
Ok and I'm obviously going to throw the one goal in there that everyone does. Lose 10 pounds. I not only want to lose the weight, but I really just want to have more energy. I want to create a better lifestyle for our family. With the odd hours we work there are lots of nights that supper is, well, not really supper. This has happened more often than not this year. So I really want to change this up and hopefully start a menu of meals again and a workout schedule for me.
My final goal for 2011.....
No, we haven't even begun on it yet, but we will soon. We are finally putting the pieces together and deciding what we want so we can start. My realistic goal for moving in is this summer. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
I hope everyone has a wonderful NEW YEAR!