Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the rest of the story

This is what is looks like when Khloe is ready for bed and everyone has eaten, gone to the doctor, and been read too (for the first time).  Then all of the babies and animals (I believe the count is up to 11) must make their way to Khloe's bed for the second round of reading and to sleep with her.  It usually takes at least two trips.

And trust me, she knows if one is missing.

Don't most kids just sleep with one stuffed animal???


Nancy said...

Ha! I love the pictures....they look so familiar. One is unheard of here. I think Wyatt has 5 and little Wade has 7. Lucky for us...they (the animals) "live" and "eat" in the bunk beds. Plus they have blankies. :) When we go to Grandmas only 3 items get to go...and it is such a process to pick! :) Cherish every moment!

Holly said...

Oh man glad to hear it is not just us! I can't seem to get out of the house without all five babies. She is quite the negotiator!