Friday, January 7, 2011

hello my's been awhile

The time has come to remove the dust and start to sew.

What, you ask, will be my first sewing project, in a very long time?

An Ipad sleeve of course.  

I am one of the biggest klutzes ever and my husband and I have both had visions of me dropping the Ipad in transit from home to the salon.  We see it crashing to the ground and breaking into a million pieces.  Well maybe not, because I really don't know if it would do that.  But there would be quite a few scratches on it I'm sure of, which would alter the perfect, finger printed screen.

I'm headed to do a little fabric shopping and pick out a wonderful pattern to slip over my beloved Ipad.  Then I will come home and attempt to remember how to sew.

Is it getting old yet?  All this chatter about my Christmas gift?  Sorry, I just can't get over it.  Not yet anyways.  I'm sure the amazement will wear off soon.  It's just....I never thought I would have one.  Not this soon anyways and I REALLY never thought my husband would buy me one.  Sorry Troy, but I did go without birthday and Christmas gifts for about five years.  And the year before that when I got a gift, well, lets just say it isn't something every wife would die for.  But he tried...he really did and he got a little backlash for that gift.  Which is probably why I haven't received a gift in the last five years.

So I'm sorry, but the chatter about the Ipad has to continue for just a bit longer.

At least until the sleeve is finished.

Ooh and maybe while I'm at it I should pull this back out too....

I might need it.

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