Sunday, October 3, 2010

spoken too soon

Wasn't it just last night that I was saying how happy I was there were no dogs barking?  

Fast forward about 15 minutes after writing that post.  The dogs started barking and barked for about 2 hours straight (when I say straight....there was no pausing in between the kidding).  Khloe woke up and could not get back to sleep.  I became "that" person.  The person that just lost it.  I started pacing the house getting angrier by the minute.  Angry that we didn't get any sleep the night before because of the dogs, angry they had woken up my daughter yet again, and angry that I was tired and just wanted to go to bed.  I picked up my phone and dialed the neighbors number.  Then I chickened out and hung up.  Then I told Troy I was packing up Khloe and staying at my parents so we could get some sleep.  Then I remembered it was 10:30 at night and cold outside.  Then I grabbed my phone again, said screw it and dialed the number.  

The neighbors daughter answered and said her parents were gone (wonderful) and that she too (obviously) could hear the dogs barking and didn't know what was wrong.  She was too scared to go out and check.  Ok...I can't argue with that, since I too, am afraid to go out in the dark and I'm an adult.  So she said she was sorry and said her parents would be home soon and she was going to call them.  Luckily, I was really really nice on the phone to her and held my tongue so I didn't start screaming at the poor girl how tired I was, how tired Khloe was, and how insane I was going to become if I had to listen to those dogs another minute.  If I had known she was home by herself I probably would not have called.  By the sounds of it she didn't like listening to them any more than we did. 

So about 15 minutes later we hear the neighbor out yelling at the dogs.  We are guessing he put them in the garage, because it was a quiet, peaceful rest of the night.  Thank you neighbor for allowing us some sleep last night.  It was much appreciated!  Could we please repeat the quiet night again tonight, and tomorrow, and the next night.......?

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