Saturday, October 2, 2010


I just can't quite make it there.  I'm, so, tired.  I'm laying on the couch listening to kids running up and down the stairs in the duplex next to us, cupboards/doors slamming, and lots of yelling.  I guess there is a positive....the dogs have finally quit barking tonight.  I love duplex living.  No really, I do.  There is nothing better than having no counter space, doing dishes at least 3 times today by hand, and listening to all of the pleasant noises around me.  I feel as though I have accomplished little to nothing today.  I was up all night last night listening to the dogs barking and just decided to make it a day at 5 AM because they didn't even seem to stop by then.  Khloe soon followed at 6:45 claiming "the dang dogs" woke her up.  Does it feel like I'm complaining?  Aughhhhh I can't wait to leave this place.  Hopefully soon.

So tonight I am laying here flipping through this and trying to decide what to make first.

I have also been browsing (take a deep breath) the new holiday arrivals at Pottery Barn.  Now, I know a lot of you aren't ready for the  Christmas season, but I can't wait.  I can't wait to decorate the house (that I hopefully have), make cookies and candy, put in my favorite Christmas CD, and just snuggle in while it snows outside.  I must say the month of December is one of my favorite months of the year.  How I ended up marrying a scrooge that hates Christmas so much is beyond me.  Don't worry....his heart is melting just a little bit each year. :)  Well, back to browsing and picking out my "virtual" decorations.

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