Thursday, July 29, 2010


Well life is starting to resemble some sort of normalcy around here.  As normal as our life gets.  I'm back at work in the salon full time now!  Finally.  Things are coming together there.  We still have just a few pictures to hang, some shelves to hang, and a reception desk to get built.  Other than that we are going good.

The duplex on the other hand is still a complete disaster.  I just don't know where to put everything.  I finally just packed all of our sweaters and winter clothes in a tub.  I feel like I'm in college again, when your closets were so small you just couldn't take your summer and winter clothes all at once.  So I'm going around trying to find anything that I can pack away and not miss too much, just to give us a little more room.  The downstairs still looks like a tornado went through, but it will come at some point.  Lately I just get home from work and don't feel like doing anything, although we have found that if the dishes don't get washed everyday the pile can get pretty high.  So that job MUST be done every night.  I really miss my dishwasher....and my shower.

Khloe is in full fledged potty training mode.  She wants a guitar really really bad and has been promised one as soon as she gets the potty training down.  Today was the first full day that she stayed dry ALL DAY LONG!  WHOOO HOOOO.  Big accomplishment at our house.  Especially since I thought for sure she would still be in diapers when she went to pre-school.  Hopefully the next few days bring the same progress.

My picture taking has been put on a back burner and I just realized I don't think I have taken hardly any pictures of Khloe this summer.  I really need to jump back on it and start taking some.  My Photoshop skills are getting a little rusty.  I'll have to line up a photo shoot with Khloe here in the next couple of weeks. 

I'll try and get some pictures posted on here soon, but to be quite honest I'm not really worrying about too much here for the next month.  I decided just to chill and have the rest of the summer.  My main concern is getting to the lake as much as possible. :)  After Labor Day I will start blogging more, scrapbooking more, and sewing more.  Hopefully this place will be cleaned up by then!

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