Saturday, July 10, 2010

on the move

Well it is Saturday and I am sitting in my living room in one of our outside lounge chairs (that is now in our living room) watching my tv that is sitting on the floor.  This means exactly what you think it means.  Our furniture is gone, kitchen table gone, washer/dryer gone (darn, you mean I can't do laundry this week?), deep freeze gone, scrapbooking table gone, etc.  The only big things we have left in our house are some beds, filing cabinets, and the treadmill (simply because Troy DOES NOT want to move it again and will put it off as long as possible).  

We were EXTREMELY lucky today to have two of our friends and Troy's dad come to help us move.  I always think it is a true testament to friendship and family when you tell people you are moving.  You can just see the fear in your family's eyes like "Where can we say we are going to be so we don't have to help move?"  There are people that will be there no matter what and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you can count on them and we were lucky they were here to help, because I really don't think it would have gotten done without their help.

Our friends brought a 30 ft trailer that had a lift on it so we didn't even have to lift anything up into a trailer.  We piled our furniture, table, chairs, and some other random things on there and 4 of us rode on the trailer to hold onto various items and down the highway we went.  We got quite a few stares and I only wish I had a camera with me to snap a few pictures.  I'm sure we were a sight to be seen.

It has been a really really long day and as I sit on my lounge chair typing, I just can't help but think that I can't wait until this process is over.  I can't wait to scrapbook again.  I can't wait to go out, see the sun, and get a tan on my pasty white legs.  I can't wait to get to the pool and see my little girl back float.  I can't wait to get into my new salon.  And I especially can't wait to just have a normal night at home with my family.  

It will be here soon!

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