Monday, July 19, 2010

We are in

....our lovely new temporary (I hope) home.

AUGHHH what a week!  Could have we picked a hotter week to have to move?  It was unreal here!

I am supposed to start at the salon tomorrow and as I'm laying here on the floor typing in the middle of a mess in the basement of our duplex all I can think about is sleep.  I'm so tired!  Khloe hasn't been sleeping the greatest since we moved.  I think she is a little confused about everything that is going on, but then who wouldn't be?  The poor girl, tonight I told her we needed to take a bath at our new apartment and she got tears in her eyes and a really sad face and said in a tiny quivering voice, "Mommy, did you sell my other bathtub?"  I think I could have started bawling on the spot.  She got pretty upset when I told her that we sold the other house and her bathtub went with it.  She started screaming that all she wanted to do was go take a bath in her bathtub at our house.  Little does she know that is all I want to do too!  Sounds crazy to say, but I really miss our old bathroom out of anything in that house.  We had it all done up the way we wanted and it had nice water pressure and I didn't actually have to duck to wash my hair under the spout.  Ahhh the little things that you just don't appreciate enough when you have them.  I hope we find a house REALLY REALLY soon.  

The kitchen here is so full we have not one tiny bit of counter space by the time we put our pizza oven and microwave on it.  I thought our old house didn't have much counter space....this is terrible.  I have no idea where all of our pots, pans, silverware and dishes are going to go.  I really don't want to even think about it, but how can you not when you are tripping over stuff all the time?

Well now that I have completely brightened your night with how terrible my life is right now, I'm headed to bed.  I'll try and post pictures soon, but it is going to be a really busy week trying to get the salon done and things organized a bit.

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