Monday, July 5, 2010

we're rolling

Here is some more progress.  We have the trim around the doorways and one set of track lights up in the waiting area. 

Notice there are only two pendant light covers instead of three?!?  Khloe decided she was going to "clear" off a spot for her baby to lay on one of my displays.  Just so happened that is where my pendant lights were sitting.  I was in the other room when I heard a crash.  I knew instantly what had happened and luckily Khloe didn't get hurt and it was only one and not all three.  Troy was already commenting on how expensive the lights were and now we get to add another one to the list.  Unfortunately we can only find them at a store about 2 hours away from us.  We are trying to hunt down someone who would be in that area and could bring us one. 


Rajean B. said...

The salon is looking great. I was afraid that one of the lights had broken when I saw the picture...and then I read the story. I hope you find someone to help you get the needed light. Which direction is the store from you? I'm south and east (about 3 hours) and could always use an excuse to head up to visit my sister :)

Holly said...

We were able to get one! Thanks so much! It is fun to finally put a face with the name. Katie always talks about you guys!