Monday, September 27, 2010


We start ANOTHER new daycare tomorrow.  The scheduling at the other daycare just was not working out so we had to move to another one.  I'm not looking forward to starting the tears all over again....although Khloe was still crying everyday while going to the last daycare.  That always makes moms day go well at work! :)

Troy and I are still both fighting our colds and cannot seem to get over them.  We may have a small lead on a house, which is what I have been busy working on all week.  Every spare second has been spent drawing out plans and figuring out costs....uggghhhh.  I can't wait until we make a decision!  Hopefully by the end of the week.  

Well we are headed outside to do a little trike riding while the weather stays nice.....


Rajean B. said...

I pray that the new daycare goes well, and that all works out like it is meant to be for the home. I'll be in the same boat in a few short days...

Holly said...

Are you guys searching for a new house too? Katie is coming tomorrow so I will have to find out the details from her! :)