Monday, August 16, 2010



I'm sitting on my couch pretending the mess around me doesn't exist.  Khloe is all cozy-ed in taking a nap next to me.  The fans are on, the doors and windows are open and the sun is shining.  It doesn't get much better than this.  Fall is right around the corner....I can almost feel it!  I can't wait!  I can't wait to get my camera out and start taking fall pictures of Khloe.  I can't wait to get to the apple orchard and start making applesauce and apple crisp for in the freezer.  I can't wait to start wearing jeans again.  I love fall!

Back in the real world.....

Khloe has to start a new daycare tomorrow.  I am a ball of nerves.  I hated starting at the first daycare, and although this may not be as bad, it is still a transition and I know it is not going to go well the first few days.  She is thisclose to not really having to wear a pull-up anymore and I'm worried that this new transition is going to set us back.  I'm worried that she is going to think I just dropped her off at some strange place and left her.  Anxiety.  I know it will all be fine and after a few weeks she will love it, but I sure do hate it right now.

We headed to the lake this past weekend with a couple of our friends.  It was great to get away with no kids.  Our friend drove the boat while Troy and I went tubing together.  Let me tell you I have never had a ride like that before!  Troy and I were holding on for our lives.  I am paying for it today.  My butt, arms, legs and about any other muscle in my body that can possibly hurt, does.  But we had a blast and I would do it all over again.  I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.  I thought I was going to throw up at one point because I just couldn't catch my breath from laughing.  I forget sometimes what it is like to go out as adults and have fun.  We really don't get a sitter...ever.  It's a good reminder to take more time for ourselves to have some fun.

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