Friday, August 13, 2010

new salon

I realized today that I have never posted pictures of the finished salon.  So here you go!

I'm sure I haven't mentioned this yet....but don't I have the most amazing husband, really?  I love my new place to work!  I really kind of get excited to go to work everyday.  I also get excited to go home at the end of the day and leave my work at work.  

We still have a few more things to do.  I need a reception desk to go under the pendant lights and we need to hang some pictures and shelves.  I also just have a little bit of touch up paint work to do.  Little things that can be done at anytime!


Rajean B. said...

It looks amazing! You are very lucky to have such a handy-man.

The Claborn's said...

WOW lady-- it looks AWESOME!! Such good taste you have! :) So when can you squeeze me in for an appointment!? I miss running next door to get a haircut!

ErinLamka said...

Looks great!! It is hard to believe what it started out looking like. Definitely looks different than when it was your dad's office. How did the bathroom turnout?

Holly said...

Thanks for the nice comments! I love it up there! Erin, the bathroom turned out ok...there really wasn't much we could do besides paint and new fixtures. I have a couple more ideas for it to try and fix it up a little more (maybe do that brown paper bag method on the you guys had in your old house, Jess?). I'll take an updated picture of it and post it soon before I do anything else.