Thursday, July 29, 2010


Well life is starting to resemble some sort of normalcy around here.  As normal as our life gets.  I'm back at work in the salon full time now!  Finally.  Things are coming together there.  We still have just a few pictures to hang, some shelves to hang, and a reception desk to get built.  Other than that we are going good.

The duplex on the other hand is still a complete disaster.  I just don't know where to put everything.  I finally just packed all of our sweaters and winter clothes in a tub.  I feel like I'm in college again, when your closets were so small you just couldn't take your summer and winter clothes all at once.  So I'm going around trying to find anything that I can pack away and not miss too much, just to give us a little more room.  The downstairs still looks like a tornado went through, but it will come at some point.  Lately I just get home from work and don't feel like doing anything, although we have found that if the dishes don't get washed everyday the pile can get pretty high.  So that job MUST be done every night.  I really miss my dishwasher....and my shower.

Khloe is in full fledged potty training mode.  She wants a guitar really really bad and has been promised one as soon as she gets the potty training down.  Today was the first full day that she stayed dry ALL DAY LONG!  WHOOO HOOOO.  Big accomplishment at our house.  Especially since I thought for sure she would still be in diapers when she went to pre-school.  Hopefully the next few days bring the same progress.

My picture taking has been put on a back burner and I just realized I don't think I have taken hardly any pictures of Khloe this summer.  I really need to jump back on it and start taking some.  My Photoshop skills are getting a little rusty.  I'll have to line up a photo shoot with Khloe here in the next couple of weeks. 

I'll try and get some pictures posted on here soon, but to be quite honest I'm not really worrying about too much here for the next month.  I decided just to chill and have the rest of the summer.  My main concern is getting to the lake as much as possible. :)  After Labor Day I will start blogging more, scrapbooking more, and sewing more.  Hopefully this place will be cleaned up by then!

Monday, July 19, 2010

We are in

....our lovely new temporary (I hope) home.

AUGHHH what a week!  Could have we picked a hotter week to have to move?  It was unreal here!

I am supposed to start at the salon tomorrow and as I'm laying here on the floor typing in the middle of a mess in the basement of our duplex all I can think about is sleep.  I'm so tired!  Khloe hasn't been sleeping the greatest since we moved.  I think she is a little confused about everything that is going on, but then who wouldn't be?  The poor girl, tonight I told her we needed to take a bath at our new apartment and she got tears in her eyes and a really sad face and said in a tiny quivering voice, "Mommy, did you sell my other bathtub?"  I think I could have started bawling on the spot.  She got pretty upset when I told her that we sold the other house and her bathtub went with it.  She started screaming that all she wanted to do was go take a bath in her bathtub at our house.  Little does she know that is all I want to do too!  Sounds crazy to say, but I really miss our old bathroom out of anything in that house.  We had it all done up the way we wanted and it had nice water pressure and I didn't actually have to duck to wash my hair under the spout.  Ahhh the little things that you just don't appreciate enough when you have them.  I hope we find a house REALLY REALLY soon.  

The kitchen here is so full we have not one tiny bit of counter space by the time we put our pizza oven and microwave on it.  I thought our old house didn't have much counter space....this is terrible.  I have no idea where all of our pots, pans, silverware and dishes are going to go.  I really don't want to even think about it, but how can you not when you are tripping over stuff all the time?

Well now that I have completely brightened your night with how terrible my life is right now, I'm headed to bed.  I'll try and post pictures soon, but it is going to be a really busy week trying to get the salon done and things organized a bit.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

on the move

Well it is Saturday and I am sitting in my living room in one of our outside lounge chairs (that is now in our living room) watching my tv that is sitting on the floor.  This means exactly what you think it means.  Our furniture is gone, kitchen table gone, washer/dryer gone (darn, you mean I can't do laundry this week?), deep freeze gone, scrapbooking table gone, etc.  The only big things we have left in our house are some beds, filing cabinets, and the treadmill (simply because Troy DOES NOT want to move it again and will put it off as long as possible).  

We were EXTREMELY lucky today to have two of our friends and Troy's dad come to help us move.  I always think it is a true testament to friendship and family when you tell people you are moving.  You can just see the fear in your family's eyes like "Where can we say we are going to be so we don't have to help move?"  There are people that will be there no matter what and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you can count on them and we were lucky they were here to help, because I really don't think it would have gotten done without their help.

Our friends brought a 30 ft trailer that had a lift on it so we didn't even have to lift anything up into a trailer.  We piled our furniture, table, chairs, and some other random things on there and 4 of us rode on the trailer to hold onto various items and down the highway we went.  We got quite a few stares and I only wish I had a camera with me to snap a few pictures.  I'm sure we were a sight to be seen.

It has been a really really long day and as I sit on my lounge chair typing, I just can't help but think that I can't wait until this process is over.  I can't wait to scrapbook again.  I can't wait to go out, see the sun, and get a tan on my pasty white legs.  I can't wait to get to the pool and see my little girl back float.  I can't wait to get into my new salon.  And I especially can't wait to just have a normal night at home with my family.  

It will be here soon!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I found some really great things at a craft store awhile back.  I'm working right now on them now with a few cans of spray paint.  I'm not real sure at the moment what I'm going to use them for (something in the salon), but they were in the 80% off aisle and I couldn't pass them up.  The majority of them weren't over $3.  

Ugly I know...but the backside is usable.

I do know what this tray will be used for.  I think I will put all of my products on it on top of my station.  Just can't decide what color to spray paint it.  May have to wait to paint it until after I'm in and see everything together.

The rest of the items I'm sure you will see around my salon somewhere.  Keep your eyes peeled once we get everything finishedl

Monday, July 5, 2010

we're rolling

Here is some more progress.  We have the trim around the doorways and one set of track lights up in the waiting area. 

Notice there are only two pendant light covers instead of three?!?  Khloe decided she was going to "clear" off a spot for her baby to lay on one of my displays.  Just so happened that is where my pendant lights were sitting.  I was in the other room when I heard a crash.  I knew instantly what had happened and luckily Khloe didn't get hurt and it was only one and not all three.  Troy was already commenting on how expensive the lights were and now we get to add another one to the list.  Unfortunately we can only find them at a store about 2 hours away from us.  We are trying to hunt down someone who would be in that area and could bring us one. 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's official....

....our house is SOLD!!!!

We have to be out in two weeks....yep that is right two weeks.  Meanwhile the salon is not finished so we have to finish that, move the salon and move the house.

There is a ton to do yet, but yet again it is Netflix time at our house! :)  I have had "Dear John" sitting on the counter for a few days and each day have been dying to watch it.  So finally it is time.  So far so good.  I love Nicholas Sparks books/movies.

Anyways back to the salon news.  Here is what has been happening.

New flooring has been laid (still need trim around the edges) and my track lights have been hung in the salon area.  Things are coming along.  Trim needs to be added for baseboards and also around the opening between the rooms.  We are in the process of painting and hanging that.

Khloe has been soooo good throughout this entire process.  Always hanging out at the salon when we need her to.  She plays so good up there.  For the most part does a good job of entertaining herself.