Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 30th

I thought that day would never come and finally it is almost here.  We have been working on selling our house and signed papers over 8 weeks ago.  We are set to close on the 30th.  

There has been screwy deal after screwy deal along the way and who knows if this whole process will even come to an end tomorrow.  We talked to the Realtor today and they said now it could even be the 1st of July.  Will this nightmare never end?  I just want to know where I'm going to be living for the rest of the summer....is that too much to ask?  We have not packed a thing (just worried the deal won't go through, then who wants to have to unpack everything) so it will be a full two weeks of packing before we get "kicked" out of our house.

Oh and not to mention we will be moving my salon during that time too.  Should be tons of fun if it all goes through, right? :)  

I'm not even going to start stressing about it until I have a check in hand from the bank.  

As always, I have tons of pictures of the salon that I haven't posted.  It is coming together perfectly and I only have Troy to thank for it.  He has been amazing to say the least.  Always keeping me on track, even when there were a thousand other things we both wanted to do then have to go up there and work.  I wish I could say there is a long vacation coming at the end of this process, but I don't think there is.

I'll get pictures posted soon!


The Claborn's said...

Hope everything goes GREAT tomorrow for you! Than you can have a vaca to KS! :) Think of it as a bed and breakfast... w/ daycare!

Rajean B. said...

I, too, hope all went well. Can't wait to see the new salon!