Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

It was a little bit chilly out on Mother's Day, but we were able to get outside just long enough to fill some buckets and pick some dandelions!

Picking Dandelions with Gramma

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Warm weather...finally!

What a doll!

We went to a wedding today for one of my high friends and after getting home, Khloe decided she wanted to spend a little time outside exploring. Which was just fine with me, considering I can never spend too much time behind the camera now. I ran inside to get it and started clicking away.

Friday, May 8, 2009


As promised we went to the store and got some babies. I must say it was money well spent. Those babies have been drug around everywhere!

When it was time for the morning snack, Khloe even decided to feed some Trix to her babies.

Perched on the bathroom counter holding all three of the babies. Always has to be up high seeing what is going on!

I am pretty sure I'm going to be hated in about 10 or 15 years for taking these pictures, but it will be well worth it!
It was supposed to be bath time but she just couldn't stop strolling the babies around to take a bath!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Visiting friends

We got to go visit some of our friends this week. Unfortunately McKenna wasn't feeling the greatest and we never ended up getting a picture of the two of them together. Although I don't think Khloe minded too much, she still got to play in the purple sand and carry her babies all around!
I'm really suprised she set this baby down at all. We had to make a special trip to the store when we got home to go pick up some babies and all the neat acessories that McKenna had!

Jessica was nice enough to let us borrow McKenna's cute hat since I forgot Khloe's at home.
Time to say goodbye! It was a short trip but well worth it!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Camera has arrived!

Well I finally hit the pay button after months of anticipation and got my new camera this week! I can't believe what a difference it makes. I may not even need Photoshop now! Here are a few of the pics I took.

After Troy got over the initial shock of how much this camera cost, he decided maybe it wasn't such a bad purchase after all.

Here are a few more fun pictures that I took over the weekend!

These are two of Khloe's favorite place. She loves to sit up on my station and "destroy" everything in site. She especially loves to dig through my makeup bag and get her hands dirty. She also loves to climb up on the couch and watch for birds and "bugs" (flies). She could watch those flies fly around all day long! Nevermind all of the toys that clutter the floor. Then it was time to head outside!
We went to DG last week and purchased a $5 yellow chair. Probably the best $5 I've ever spent on her! She carries that chair around everywhere!
What are you looking at Khloe?
Oh don't worry it is just your dad trying to hide from my camera. He thinks my camera isn't fast enough to catch all of his crazy moves.

Notice the blurriness....I was actually trying to make the photo like this just in case anyone was questioning my ability!

I tried to tell him my camera can shoot fast and he didn't believe me!

Needless to say I am already having tons of fun taking pictures. I can't believe how crisp the photos are just straight out of camera. I can't wait to get some printed and see how they look compared to all of my old ones. I think I'm going to regret not getting this camera sooner!